
Monday, September 26, 2005

I'll take meatballs with my Flying Spaghetti Monster..

A two dollar whore can have many covers. She can look sophisticated in her PayLess stilettos. She can look like your average Vegas strip hooker in her mini skirt and push up bra. She can even look like, well, a two dollar whore.

Intelligent Design is much like the two dollar hooker. It dresses up like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman and looks good for the people, when in reality it's just creationism with a Versacci purse and Vera Wang clit hugging skirt.

The issue of teaching Intelligent Design vs Evolution was once again brought up today in PA. I believe this is actually the undercard bout in WWE Raw this Sunday behind Cindy Sheehan vs. Butt Monkey Bush. President Bush has even given his $.02 saying that creationism should be taught as an option to evolution. This is like giving thought to whether you should have a nice rib-eye steak or cyanide for dinner. The rib-eye may give you mad cow disease but hey it tasted damn good before you went ape shit. Cyanide would just fuck you up without the satisfaction of your last defacation having some nice sinewy steak choplets left over. How am I relating this back to Intelligent Design and the two dollar hooker? I have no clue. But I don't want to find out that my son has been spending the day with either one of them.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Gilligan has died...

This is depressing. I remember watching Gilligan's Island after school at my grandmothers for the most part of my childhood life. For some of my most revered TV icons to start passing only shows I'm no longer a kid and will face my own mortality before too long.


Monday, September 05, 2005

Bush to nominate Roberts for Chief Justice.

CNN in reporting that Chimpy is set to hold a press conference shortly in which he will nominate John Roberts for Chief Justice of the SCOTUS. This takes some balls considering that Roberts confirmation has not yet been put through although both sides are in agreement that there will be no hold ups. Considering that Rehnquist is not even buried I personally find this disrespectful and hammering down that this has been Chimpy's idea all along. Get Roberts in to sway his agenda and promote him as soon as the ailing Chief Justice passed.

Just another poor decision by our incompetent and power hungry leader.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Yes, they said it....

Today's "Say whaaaaa?" quotes:

"I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees."

President Bush

"I think you heard from the president earlier today about his zero tolerance. We understand the need for food and water and supplies of that nature. That's why we have a massive effort underway to continue getting food and water and ice to those who are in need. There are ways for them to get that help. Looting is not the way for them to do it."

Scott "FuckStick" (Atrios) McLellan

A country in chaos

As 60,000 people try to flee New Orleans rescuers have stopped trying to evacuate people over safety fears. Helicopters have been shot at, fires have been started, shootouts have been engaged. Understandably these people are tired, hungry, hot, and frustrated. It is not undertstandable that the human nature being unveiled has turned ugly. All over television the images are of people wading through water carrying flat screen tv's, radios, and even cars from lots are being stolen. Breaking in to walmart for fresh clothes and a case of bottled water is one thing, taking all the guns from the outdoor section is another.

And as New Orleans becomes more disruptive a national crisis is blooming. Price gouging at the gas pumps is happening all over with prices in Atlanta almost $6.00 for unleaded. By-products of crude are also going to skyrocket as well as coffee and gold. We are on the verge of a recession like no one alive has seen in this country. There's nothing in sight that will reduce the pressure. Get ready for job losses, bankruptcies, foreclosure's, and even divorces to peak in the next year.

Ladies and gentlemen, the kindling to start the fall of Rome has been lit.