
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Time to start riding a bike..

2 posts below I said $3.00 gas on the way. It's hit that in some regions of the US today.

Now we need to watch out for $4.00 gas.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Camille II and the world response

As has been the US policy, global aid and rebuilding of lands devastated by national disasters has accounted for roughly .10 to .20% of GDP since 1990. Now that may sound a bit stingy but it comes out to roughly 19 billion per year.

Hurricane Katrina is set to cost insurers the largest relief bill in history. Most of LA, AL, and MS are complete and total losses. This storm has been blamed for 68 deaths so far with bodies still floating down New Orleans streets. Death toll surely will not be less than 100. While this dwarfs in size to the Indonesian tsunami death toll, the property loss is much, much higher. Within hours of the now one word labeled Tsunami the US had begun assembling and shipping millions of relief funds as well as food, clothing, water and other essentials.

My question to you and to the world is - when should we expect our shipments to start arriving?

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Get ready for $3.00 gas...

With the whore Katrina ready to pound New Orleans there'a a major blow about to be made on our economy. New Orleans shipping lanes are a key to imports and offshore rigs in the Gulf will take a pounding. Prices have always increased, even during a mild hurricane. Now that Katrina is a Cat 5 with 160 mph sustained winds, the economy is just ready to take a dive.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Ann and Michelle

Now I have yet to express my deep dislike for Ann Coulter on this blog, primarily because nothing she does or says matters enough to merit a response. I am finding the same to be true of Michelle Malkin. Right wing nuts (no pun intended) must sit in front of their desks daily and beat off to the rhythmic tone of each of their ranting... "Cindy..Sheehan...is.. a..left..wing..media...whore..."

One thing about both of these women though is the fact that I would pound both of them until they screamed Bill Clinton was the greatest President of our time.

And thus my list begins.. If you have a right wing crazy bitch to add to the list.. please do.. I will rate and compile each entry.

1. Ann Coulter
2. Michelle Malkin

PC but not political..

So the NCAA has ruled that any school that has a Native American nickname cannot host a postseason event or have logos or mascots displayed at all postseason events. You can find gajillions of articles here.

This is the worst decision by a governing body since the Supreme Court stopped the recount procedures in FL. What comes next? Notre Dame can't participate in postseason play because drunken Irishmen all over will claim their mascot is offensive?

Native American reaction is mixed to this decision and Seminole nation has clearly taken the right road here. The Florida Semoniole Tribe has approved the use of the nickname 18-2 specifying the NCAA's ruling that the nickname is "hostile" and "insulting" is absurd.

These schools and mascots have been around for decades. The symbolism of an Indian mascot indicates brave, noble, and strong people. Eliminating these symbols from the postseason is reverse racism that should not be tolerated. Let's hope that FSU's appeal is granted and the Seminoles will be around to stay (as much as I hate them).

Monday, August 08, 2005

Weird coincidence

The day that I decide to quit smoking to better my health and help ensure that I'm around when my son gets older, Peter Jennings dies of lung cancer. Weird coincidence or a final kick in my ass to show me what smoking can do to people?

I smoked my final cigarette at 6:30 PM last night with a tall icy gin and tonic. A little less than 15 hours later and I'm doing better than expected for the Monday morning grind.

Hopefully at 4:30 this afternoon it will be just as good.