As promised..
As a follow up to the blocking of ID in Dover schools let me be the first to say that this is a huge win for those who still believe in separation of church and state. Although his decision only covers the Dover School District this case sets precedent for any other whacky ass crackers who want to try to trick us into believing ID is a theory like Darwinism and should be considered in schools.
The major argument I find, which is touched on in the below article, is that Darwin's "theory" has factual data that is collected all the time to support it. With ID how do you show logical reason that meets scientific method?
The scientific method is derived as follows. Let's try to "prove" ID.
1. Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.
Human beings are intelligent rational creatures whereas all other animals are masses of flesh.
b) Electrical shock to monkey brain - Result: No new intelligence
As you can see Intelligent Design can be proven based on new intelligence.
OK so that was fun.. I'm sure that the ID proponents will have many more oppurtunities to add to this but then again ID is not a scientific idealogy. It's just that- an idealogy. In the public school forum this should never enter the curriculum. Hopefully today's ruling will ensure that
The full story from CNN can be found here.
The major argument I find, which is touched on in the below article, is that Darwin's "theory" has factual data that is collected all the time to support it. With ID how do you show logical reason that meets scientific method?
The scientific method is derived as follows. Let's try to "prove" ID.
1. Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.
Human beings are intelligent rational creatures whereas all other animals are masses of flesh.
2. Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation.
Humans were created by a outside force and given intelligence by this force.3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations.
Over the last couple million years no new creatures have been discovered that share the intelligence and logical thinking that humans do.4. Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.
a) Gene maniulation - Result: No no intlelligenceb) Electrical shock to monkey brain - Result: No new intelligence
As you can see Intelligent Design can be proven based on new intelligence.
OK so that was fun.. I'm sure that the ID proponents will have many more oppurtunities to add to this but then again ID is not a scientific idealogy. It's just that- an idealogy. In the public school forum this should never enter the curriculum. Hopefully today's ruling will ensure that
The full story from CNN can be found here.
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