Note to Americans who may be traveling overseas - Get out your peasant hats and
Dragon Motif Kung Fu jackets. You may have to travel incognito.
China is viewed more
favorably than the US. Even our friggin Canadian neighbors are just as likely to view China on equal ground as the US. China for God's sake! Communist run China!
Does this not sound a friggin five alarm fire to all those who enforce our foreign affairs? China! I mean come on!
Millions of foreigners understand the debauchery behind the war on terror and Iraq. Millions of Americans also see it. So why does Bushco still insist that we are protecting freedom and intstalling democracy throughout the world. Wait we don't have plans to attack China or Cuba - non democracies. We don't have plans to attack Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Bhutan, Brunei, Bahrain and Qatar - yet anyway. Plans for Iran are certainly being drawn up as I write this.
The issue isn't spreading democracy. The issue is taking out those who resist our interest in them.
Our "friends" in Europe see it, I see it, you probably see it - why don't they?