
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

And the President speaks...

Remarks relating strategy - 0
exit plan - 0
9/11 - 6
Saddam Hussein - 2
Osama Bin Laden - 2
Fake applauses by military crowd - 2
Real appluases by military crowd - 0
Shots of soldiers rolling eyes at each other - 3

These are just a few quick counts from the transcripts of his speech and a few observations from watching. How can anyone actually watch this guy and feel good about him? How can anyone not see that he is the biggest crook in Washington since Nixon?

Friday, June 24, 2005

Can't wait for this to bite him in ass..

nuff said...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

There's something wrong when.....

Note to Americans who may be traveling overseas - Get out your peasant hats and Dragon Motif Kung Fu jackets. You may have to travel incognito.

China is viewed more favorably than the US. Even our friggin Canadian neighbors are just as likely to view China on equal ground as the US. China for God's sake! Communist run China!

Does this not sound a friggin five alarm fire to all those who enforce our foreign affairs? China! I mean come on!

Millions of foreigners understand the debauchery behind the war on terror and Iraq. Millions of Americans also see it. So why does Bushco still insist that we are protecting freedom and intstalling democracy throughout the world. Wait we don't have plans to attack China or Cuba - non democracies. We don't have plans to attack Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Bhutan, Brunei, Bahrain and Qatar - yet anyway. Plans for Iran are certainly being drawn up as I write this.

The issue isn't spreading democracy. The issue is taking out those who resist our interest in them.

Our "friends" in Europe see it, I see it, you probably see it - why don't they?

More on DSM...

click here.

Where in god's name is the outrage that should be going on over this papers?

And now it all makes sense to me...

The puppet master has spoken. We are in Iraq because 9/11 enraged conservatives to go to war. There continues to be bloodshed every day because liberals compare Guantanmo to Nazi's and Gulag.

Holy flying fuck it all makes sense to me now.

No I haven't had a sudden turn and believe in the conservative movement. I'm talking about the backassward fucked up thinking that the right uses to rationalize it's ineptitude. The portrayal of Dems as a bunch of sypathizing pansies is absurd. Mr. Rove, there is no objection to war by the left - when it is merited. There was no objection to Afghanistan and the hunt for Bin Laden. From the beginning evidence for Iraq was weak the "let's see how terrorists feel" Dems wanted to make sure that we knew what we were getting into. Don't you fucking get it?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The ass beating has begun

Below I predicted that Ed Klien would get a serious ass whooping about his new book - The Truth About Hillary. The truth is definetly coming out. The picture of Bill being intimate with an unkown women has been discredited by the photographer who took the picture.

In addition Maura Moynihan - daughter of Patrick Moynihan unleashes on Klien and calls out his facts and quotes.

I hope that book stores start seeing this book for the piece of trash it is and start pulling it from their shelves.

Frist is a pussy

After talking to the President there will now be a new vote schedule over Bolton. I guess Chimpy threw one of his feces throwing jerk himself off tantrums and Frist had to agree to settle him down.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Stroking the right

Today Bush renewed his call for a ban on same sex marriages. As having a sister who is openly gay I have mixed feelings on the issue. Bush's hypocrisy is this however. His primary edict throughout his presidency has been helping those who others persecute, who others may not want to help. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but homosexuals fall into this category. Thousands live in fear because of their orienation and it is worsened by the homophobic elite in the power hungry evangelical circles.

Bush stresses his edict by stating “We must help the poor, the sick and those who hurt,”. Now if this is his stance and he treats homosexuals as they have a disease then wouldn't they fall in this category? He is contradicting himself by not giving gay couples the same rights as straight couples.

Everyday the real GWB comes out and every day he looks more and more like a political vagabond scrounging for whatever support he can get.

Frist - No more votes on Bolton

Cnn Breaking is reporting that Bill Frist is set to announce that he will not schedule more votes on Bolton for UN. This basically tells me that Bush will invoke his power during the recess to install Bolton for the UN post.

Has there ever been an American President who so spitefully goes against teh voice of the people?

Free video

About time - CNN video now free for all to use.

Bolton Blocked

Once again the GOP has not obtained enough votes to get cloture on Bolton's nomination. Of course this is being viewed by the White House as obstuction and the Dems not allowing progress. Well Mr. Bush and Mr. McClellan there's something that you should know. A whopping 75% of people polled do not believe that Bolton is right for the UN post and the same number do not believe you should push his nomination through over the upcoming recess.

This should tell you one thing. You are slipping, you are losing, you are hanging by two fingers from the cliff that falls into political abyss. People are no longer being fooled by your dopy down to earthness. 60-some percent of people now believe you lied about Iraq and WMD's. Your political capital is now in the red. You owe the American people answers and you owe them apologies.

Stop hiding behind the shallow vultures that pull your puppet strings. Step up, be a man, and do the right thing. Better to come clean now then be found guilty of misleading America to war. Then we'll see what kind of torture you endure when you become somebody's bitch.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Thank You Bush

So once again the master of vocabulary, the sultan of cant, has turned a people against him. Speaking out against Iran's elections Bush has managed to increase popularity for the most conservative of Islamic hardliners who responded with a sarcastic 'Thank You' to Bush. Note to Mr. President - Not everyone in this world has your beliefs, not everyone is open to democracy, people have lives certain ways for hundreds of years and do not want the US to come in and change it.

My only wish is that more comes out of the Downing Street Memoes and we get this asshat out of office before any more damage is done.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

911 conspiracies continue

This one explains itself...

Now I'm not one who has bought into any of the conspiracy theories surrounding 911 but for a source who came from inside the current administration to say what he does has to make you wonder... Could BushCo really be THAT evil?

Sciavo's autopsy results

Terry Schiavo autopsy results prove that without her feeding tube she would not have been able to sustain herself through food or liquid via the mouth. Maybe now her parents and the rest of the know-it-alls can lay this issue to rest....

Poor Republicans

So last night, reliving the many times he was told 'No' when trying to get a piece after his last snort of coke, GWB reffered to Democrats as "obstructionists" and declared they are not a party of leaders. His complaints in regard to SS reform, the filibuster of John Bolton, and tax cuts drew thunderous applause from the 5000 wealthy white Christians in attentance.

The fact of the matter is this.. Republicans have ideas - ideas that are not good for this country, not good for the lower income earning 90% of American people. Not good for anyone who wants to move this country forward and not good for those whose beliefs may differ from the right wing.

I agree that Dems need to come forward and start addressing ideas more directly. The time to sit back and be afraid is over. I say let's take the Howard Dean appraoch and start kicking ass and taking names later.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Large airliner crash..

News coming in of a large jetliner crash near Ft. Lauderdale, Fl..


Republicans facing reality

Chimpy must be squirming in his suit as several Republicans are now calling for the quick pullout from that damn Iraq. Just reading through the article you can just see the President's speechwriters trying to come up with something, anything that will defy the facts.

Some quotes of note:

“The reason of going in for weapons of mass destruction, the ability of the Iraqis to make a nuclear weapon, that’s all been proven that it was never there,” - Walter Jones

“We can’t come back to America and have our people being convinced that the Iraqi troops are prepared to take over, when they’re not,” - Curt Weldon

“The insurgency is alive and well. We underestimated the viability of the insurgency,” - Sen. Lindsey Graham

Wow , these are in stark contract to what Chimpy and his crank boy Cheney have been feeding us.....

Guantanamo unveiled

I know it's been covered ad nauseam over the past few weeks but the unwillingness of BushCo. to admit that there may be problems at our terra camps is downright maddening. How many more cases of abuse and inproper detention need to be brought to light before chimpy says something about it. ....

Chelsea the product of rape?

I have a pretty good feeling that Edward Klien is about to get a serious ass-whooping from Hillary's camp. Klien uses alleged quotes in his new book that Bubba, during a trip to Bermuda, stated he was going home to "rape his wife". Now understandibly the Clinton camp is outraged. Will be be interesting to see what libel suits come out of this and what truth is found.

Friday, June 10, 2005

My first blog

While I guess I should start off with something fiery that will set the table for the overall tone that I will attempt to establish within this blog, I will defer that until Monday. I will, however, take this time to introduce myself.

What I am:

A 28 year old, husband, father, white Christian (that can be argued), sport loving, middle income earning, GWB policy hating regular guy.

What I am not:

A Republican.

Of course there is much more to me then the explanation above but the summary speaks for itself. I'm an average American who is sick and tired of the every day bullsh*t that goes on within and outside of our borders..... I won't pretend to know or understand everything about politics, partisan lines, or policies. This board will be my place to vent about them. Enjoy...