
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Poor Republicans

So last night, reliving the many times he was told 'No' when trying to get a piece after his last snort of coke, GWB reffered to Democrats as "obstructionists" and declared they are not a party of leaders. His complaints in regard to SS reform, the filibuster of John Bolton, and tax cuts drew thunderous applause from the 5000 wealthy white Christians in attentance.

The fact of the matter is this.. Republicans have ideas - ideas that are not good for this country, not good for the lower income earning 90% of American people. Not good for anyone who wants to move this country forward and not good for those whose beliefs may differ from the right wing.

I agree that Dems need to come forward and start addressing ideas more directly. The time to sit back and be afraid is over. I say let's take the Howard Dean appraoch and start kicking ass and taking names later.


  • Drum has a point to make that's worth reading:


    By Blogger mergenow, at 10:43 AM  

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