
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Holy friggin crap....

Wow - been over 4 months since my last entry. Time sure flies faster than Mark Foley's fingers while sending IM's to a 16 year old.

This entry is strictly for me - I just need to vent. What in the name of Thomas Jefferson is going on in this country?

We have scandals all across the Republican party, we have evidence of our Sec of State shooing away warninigs of 9/11, we have a President who doesn't seem to have one bit of a grasp on reality and yet what is happening? Absolutely friggin nothing. Someone, someone in this goddamn administration needs to be held accountable for their actions. Sure Mark Foley is using the alcohol and winky touched by a priest bullshit which will lessen his prison time, and yes he will go to prison, but come on - he's not even close to being the worse of the bunch.

The entire friggin Republican Party has got to friggen go. They yell and scream about Democrats being against war, against life, the party of cut and run - but what have they friggen done for us? Got us into an illegal war, got their friends richer, and has the whole world hating us.

Time for Dems to retake the House, the Senate, and the White House. This country is in the shitter and we need a industrial size plunger to suck all the Republicrap out.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Robert Smigel is one funny guy...

Courtesy of Kos who has it posted courtesy of Crooks & Liars.

This is some funny shit.

Conspiracy Theory Rock

posting again just so I kow where to find it when I need it :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Sad, sad day

I was hoping my first post of 2006 would not be one of such sadness.

Today The National Zoo in Washington DC euthanized Toni the elephant. For those who remember back to the days of the Nay Aug Zoo, Toni was the cornerstone attraction. Due to health reasons and lack of proper funding for medical care, Toni was moved to Washington in the late 80's.

Toni's life was closely followed by all who remembered her from Nay Aug and NEPA in general. God speed Toni, God speed.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Another win for the good guys...

Drilling measure stopped in Senate. Click Here.

Spying Followup

No sooner did I hit publish then I found this very explanatory write up over the same Clinton-Carter subject.

Thank you Kos and Think Progress for restoring my faith in the Dems.

Moral of the story: Clinton and Carter did not authorize spying on AMERICAN CITIZENS.


Today Drudge has excerpts posted that both Clinton and Carter used their Presidential authority to authorize secret surveillance of US citizens without a court order. If true this pretty much cancels any hearings that would be considered for BushCo.

The thought of this really irks me. If the govt can start monitoring activities of any person or any group then the whole idea of a free society is flushed down the toilet. The government can now know of a groups actions and intents and counter strike before that group even knows what is coming.

As a nation we should demand that this type of power need to be approved in courts. If the President can issue survelleince of anyone at anytime there is no privacy. Just because it is thought you are a threat doesn't mean you are. Eveidence should be presented to substantiate the concern.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

As promised..

As a follow up to the blocking of ID in Dover schools let me be the first to say that this is a huge win for those who still believe in separation of church and state. Although his decision only covers the Dover School District this case sets precedent for any other whacky ass crackers who want to try to trick us into believing ID is a theory like Darwinism and should be considered in schools.

The major argument I find, which is touched on in the below article, is that Darwin's "theory" has factual data that is collected all the time to support it. With ID how do you show logical reason that meets scientific method?

The scientific method is derived as follows. Let's try to "prove" ID.

1. Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.

Human beings are intelligent rational creatures whereas all other animals are masses of flesh.

2. Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation.

Humans were created by a outside force and given intelligence by this force.

3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations.

Over the last couple million years no new creatures have been discovered that share the intelligence and logical thinking that humans do.

4. Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.

a) Gene maniulation - Result: No no intlelligence
b) Electrical shock to monkey brain - Result: No new intelligence

As you can see Intelligent Design can be proven based on new intelligence.

OK so that was fun.. I'm sure that the ID proponents will have many more oppurtunities to add to this but then again ID is not a scientific idealogy. It's just that- an idealogy. In the public school forum this should never enter the curriculum. Hopefully today's ruling will ensure that

The full story from CNN can be found here.

Finally a Federal Judge with sense..

Taken from CNN breaking news banner.

"Federal judge rules "intelligent design" cannot be included in Pennsylvania public school biology courses."

All I can say is thank the flying spaghetti monster.

Story to follow.

Monday, December 19, 2005


In a series of more lies, President Bush today tried to convince the American public that his penis "is this big, no really just ask Condi"

ANWR revision passed

Warning - Completely opinion based post below.

In one of the final acts of Congress before the session ends for this Holiday season, the house passed the defense spending bill which includes funding for Katrina, avian flu, and drilling in Alaska.

I would defer all to mergenow's post on the (non) benefits of opening up the ANWR for drilling in order to get a real appreciation for the actual import benefit this will produce. To put it mildly - NONE! One of Chimpy's initial goals since he was illegally awarded the presidancy was to open up ANWR - not for good of our economy but so his cronies can begin moving equipment and receiving the billions in contract work that will be involved.

Now I am not so much of an environmentalist when a greater good can become of disturbing the ecosystem. To me opening ANWR is not for the greater good but for the good of few. The money and resources going to be spent on this initiative can be used for research in ethanol and other sources of energy but that would mean revenue to big oil being lost. We all saw how they gouged us after Katrina but managed to makes billions upon billions.

Anyone who believes that BushCo does anything for the good of country and people has got to be completely blind.

Friday, December 16, 2005

I am ashamed...

After almost 2 months of no new blogging I am making a promise to myself that I will try to amp up to at least a few posts a week.

In my absense mergnow at ExitRamp has been doing a hell of a job making sure that his readers are aware of the crap that has been happening.

Starting Monday look for some heapings of disgusted rants.

I would like anyone else also to check out strawmanliberal for some healthy right wing hate.